Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Do You Lose Child Tax Credit At Age 17

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Are The Advance Payments Of The Child Tax Credit Treated As Taxable Income For 20211

Answering your child tax credit questions | Part 1

No. The advance payments are not treated as taxable income. Beginning in July 2021, monthly advance payments provided cash determined as 1/12 of the total annual credit that taxpayers likely would claim for 2021. These payments enabled taxpayers to benefit from the credit during the year.

In January 2022, the IRS will send taxpayers a Letter 6419 that will tell them the total amount of advance payments deposited in their accounts in 2021. The Letter 6419 will help them prepare their 2021 tax returns.

Watch For Letter 6419

The IRS started mailing copies of Letter 6419 in late December, covering the total advance child tax credit payments received in 2021, and the number of qualifying children used to calculate amounts.

“Be on the lookout for this letter and don’t throw it away,” said Herron, stressing how it will make the tax return filing process easier.

Letter 6419 should match the information in the Child Tax Credit Update Portal. However, a married couple filing together may both need to reconcile their payments, Herron said.

How To Claim Your Money If You Had A Newborn Or Adopted Since Last Filing Your Taxes

If you had a baby by the end of December — or adopted one — you’ll be eligible for up to $3,600 for that child when you file your taxes. That includes back pay for the July through December advance payments and the chunk coming with your refund.

You should get that money when you claim your child on your tax return, which will let the IRS know about your household changes.

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How Much Is The Child Tax Credit Worth

Due to the American Rescue Plan Act , the Child Tax Credit will bump up in 2021 to $3,000 for children between 6 and 17 and $3,600 for children under 6. Plus, instead of only providing that amount once a year when filing, the IRS has distributed half the tax credit in advance in increments of $250 or $300 per month . Taxpayers who didnt get the early payments can claim the whole credit when they file in 2022.

The $2,500 earned income requirement has been removed, so unemployed parents can still qualify for the credit. The credit begins phasing out at a rate of $50 for every $1,000 over $75,000 for single filers, $112,500 for heads of household and $150,000 for married couples filing jointly.

In addition to the requirements for a qualifying child, the child must meet these requirements to qualify for the full Child Tax Credit:

  • You must claim the child as a dependent on your return.
  • The child cant have provided over half of their own support for the year.
  • The child must have a Social Security Number.

Child Tax Credit Eligibility

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In 2021, you may have received up to $1,800 in monthly payments per child age 5 and younger, and up to $1,500 for kids between ages 6 to 17, based on 2019 or 2020 income.

However, with pandemic-related job loss and business revenue drops in 2020, you may have earned more in 2021, possibly reducing or eliminating eligibility for the enhanced benefit.

“That’s going to be a rude shock for a lot of folks,” said Dan Herron, a San Luis Obispo, California-based CFP and CPA with Elemental Wealth Advisors. “Especially with a big swing between 2020 and 2021 income.”

There are two phase-outs for the child tax credit, reducing eligibility for the 2021 increases and the $2,000 base credit amount.

The first one begins above $75,000 for single parents or $150,000 for joint filers, and the second starts once modified adjusted gross income exceeds $200,000 for single filers and $400,000 for couples filing together.

With multiple steps, it’s not an easy calculation, Herron said. But you can start by comparing bank statements to IRS records and working with a tax preparer to estimate your income.

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How Do The Monthly Advance Payments Of The Child Tax Credit Affect The Credit On The Tax Return For 2021

The IRS estimated the advance payments based on the number of dependent children reported on a taxpayers prior year return. If taxpayers claim more or fewer eligible children for 2021, the total payment amount may be more or less than their actual credit. If, as will be the case for most taxpayers, the advance payments constitute less than a taxpayers entire annual child tax credit, the taxpayer can claim the remaining undistributed credit balance on their 2021 tax return.

If a taxpayer received advance payments that exceeded their total credit for the year, they may be required to repay the excess when filing their return. However, repayments for low-income taxpayers and repayments of small amounts generally will be waived.

What Is The Credit For Other Dependents

There is also a $500 Credit for Other Dependents, available for qualifying dependents who dont meet all the requirements for the Child Tax Credit.

If you file with, dont worry about calculating whether youll get one credit or the otherbased on info you provide, well make sure you get the one you qualify for.

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Which Dependents Are Eligible For The Child Tax Credit

Eligibility for the CTC hinges on a few factors. The child you claim as your dependent has to meet seven pieces of criteria from the IRS:

  • Age Test: The child was under age 18 at the end of the tax year. The CTC is increased for children under age 6.
  • Relationship Test: The child is your daughter, son, stepchild, foster child, adopted child, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, half-sister or half-brother. The child can also be the direct descendant of any of those just mentioned .
  • Support Test: The child did not provide more than half of their own support for the tax year. The child also cannot file a joint return that year.
  • Dependent Test: The child must be claimed as your dependent on your federal tax return.
  • Citizen and Resident Test: The child has to be a U.S. citizen, a U.S. national or a U.S. resident alien. The child must also have a Social Security number.
  • Residency Test: The child must have lived with you for more than half of the tax year.
  • Income Test: This is the same requirements as the ones listed earlier. In short, the CTC begins phasing out for families with income above $75,000 , $112,500 or $150,000 .
  • How To Track A Missing Payment

    Good News! Child Tax Credit

    If youre trying to track down a missing payment, double-check your address and bank information via the IRS portal first. Once you verify that its correct, consider that your bank might be processing the payment or the check could be in transit.

    If all of your info is correct and you still havent received your money, you can ask the IRS to issue a trace by filling out Form 3911 but make sure you fall within the approved window for requesting a trace before you fax or mail the form:

    Payment Type

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    I Havent Filed Taxes In A While How Can I Receive This Benefit

    You may be eligible for Child Tax Credit payments even if you have not filed taxes recently. Not everyone is required to file taxes. While the deadline to sign up for monthly Child Tax Credit payments this year was November 15, you can still claim the full credit of up to $3,600 per child by filing a tax return next year.

    Child And Dependent Care Tax Credit

    You can claim this credit if you have earned income and if youre paying someone else to care for a dependent. Unlike the CTC, which you can only claim if youre the parent or guardian of minor children, you can claim the CDCTC for aging parents and other disabled relatives. Qualifying dependents for the CDCTC include the following:

    • Children who are 12 or younger at the end of the tax year
    • Dependent adult family members or spouses who are not able to care for themselves due to mental or physical impairments, unless they had gross income of $4,150 or more

    With the CDCTC, you can claim a credit for up to 35% of qualified care expenses. The exact percentage that you are eligible to deduct depends on your income level. The maximum amount of care expenses to which you can apply the credit is $3,000 if you have one dependent and $6,000 if you have more than one dependent. That means the largest possible credit is $1,050 with one dependent and $2,100 with multiple. The CDCTC is non-refundable. According to the IRS, expenses that qualify for the CDCTC include money that you paid for household services and care of the qualifying person while you worked or looked for work. Child support payments do not qualify. To claim the CDCTC, you need to fill out Form 2441.

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    What If I Had A New Child In 2021

    If you had a new baby in 2021 or brought a new qualifying child into your family, they are definitely eligible to be included in the child tax credit when you file your taxes this year. Add their information to IRS Form 1040 and check the box marked “qualifies for child tax credit.” Then include them with your number of qualifying children on IRS form 8812.

    One important note: along with being age 17 or younger, children must have valid social security numbers in order to be eligible for the child tax credit.

    How Much Will I Receive In Child Tax Credit Payments

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    Most families will receive the full amount: $3,600 for each child under age 6 and $3,000 for each child ages 6 to 17. To get money to families sooner, the IRS is sending families half of their 2021 Child Tax Credit as monthly payments of $300 per child under age 6 and $250 per child between the ages of 6 and 17.

    This amount may vary by income. These people qualify for the full Child Tax Credit:

    • Families with a single parent with income under $112,500
    • Everyone else with income under $75,000

    These people qualify for at least $2,000 of Child Tax Credit, which comes out to $166 per child each month:

    • Families with a single parent with income under $200,000
    • Everyone else with income under $200,000

    Families with even higher incomes may receive smaller amounts or no credit at all.

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    How Do We Calculate Your Benefit

    For the payment period of July 2021 to June 2022, we calculate your benefit based on all the following information:

    • the number of eligible children you have and their ages
    • your adjusted family net income for the base year 2020
    • the child’s eligibility for the disability tax credit

    To continue getting the CCB, you and your spouse or common-law partner each have to file tax returns every year, even if you have not received income in the year.

    Base year and payment period

    The base year is the year of the tax return from which information is taken to calculate the CCB amount for the payment period. The base year is the calendar year just before the start of the payment period.

    The payment period is the 12-month period during which the CCB payments are paid. The payment period runs from July 1 of the year following the base year to June 30 of the next year. For example, CCB payments calculated based on the 2020 tax return will start being issued in July 2021, which is the beginning of the payment period. For more information, see When do we pay your benefit?.

    The chart below illustrates the link between the base year and the payment period.

    Base Year and Payment Period

    Base year


    Child and family benefits online calculator

    You can use our online calculator to get an estimate of your child benefits, by going to Child and family benefits calculator.

    Canada child benefit

    We calculate the CCB as follows.

  • For families with two eligible children:
  • Child disability benefit


    Special Child Tax Credit Rules For 2021

    To help families struggling in the wake of the COVD-19 pandemic, the child tax credit was expanded for 2021. For 2021 only, the child tax credit is increased to:

    • $3,600 for every child under age 6, and
    • $3,000 for children between the ages of 6 and 17 .

    For example, a family with two children under age 6 will receive a $7,200 tax credit for 2021.

    The increased credit amount is phased out for married couples with incomes over $150,000 and single parents who earn over $112,500. The credit is reduced $50 for each $1,000 your adjusted gross income exceeds these levels. For example, if you have one child over age 5, you’re entitled to a $1,000 increased credit for 2021. This amount gets reduced to 0 if you have 20 $50 reductions.

    Once the increased amount is phased out, the amount of the credit remains $2,000 until the $400,000/$200,000 phaseout limits under the regular rules apply.

    The entire credit is refundableyou get the full amount even if you owe no taxes.

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    Who Gets To Claim Our Child On Taxes

    Having the ability to claim a qualifying child may give a taxpayer several tax benefits, such as head of household filing status, the exemption for a dependent, the child tax credit, the child and dependent care credit and the earned income tax credit. The IRS has specific tests to determine if a child is a qualifying child. Claiming a child for tax purposes can have significant value. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act doubled the maximum child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 per child under age 17, and added a $500 nonrefundable credit for children ineligible for the $2,000 credit.

    A child may be a dependent of only one taxpayer for a given tax year. In other words, divorced parents may not claim the same child for the same tax year.

    Generally, the child will be treated as the qualifying child of the custodial parent.

    Parents can agree, or family court judges can order, that the noncustodial parent may claim the child as a dependent and as a qualifying child for the child tax credit. Oklahoma appellate courts have held over and over again that the right to claim a a child as a dependent for tax purposes is a modifiable child support issue and that judges have jurisdiction to allocate the federal income tax dependency exemption for children. A judge can order a custodial parent to sign IRS Form 8332 to permit the noncustodial parent to claim a child for a given tax year.

    No More Personal Exemptions

    Sen. Ossoff announces EXPANSION of child tax credit

    One of the biggest changes in the TCJA involves the end of the personal exemption. Formerly, claiming a 19-year-old as a dependent on taxes was possible as a personal exemption, which for 2017 was $4,050. Now, there are no more personal exemptions, but the standard deduction has been raised to $24,000 for a married couple filing jointly, so far fewer people will itemize their taxes. The 2017 standard deduction for a married couple filing jointly was $12,700.

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    Do I Qualify For The Child Tax Credit

    Nearly all families with kids qualify. Some income limitations apply. For example, only couples making less than $150,000 and single parents making less than $112,500 will qualify for the additional 2021 Child Tax Credit amounts. Families with high incomes may receive a smaller credit or may not qualify for any credit at all. For more detail on the phase-outs for higher income families, see How much will I receive in Child Tax Credit payments?

    If you have any questions about your unique circumstances, visit

    No Child Tax Credit For 17 Year Olds What’s The Deal

    Claiming Your Child As A DependentYou May Claim Your Child As A Dependent Even If They File A Tax Return

    • Of course, you still need to qualify to claim them under the rules we just discussed.
    • They need to not claim themselves as a dependent. This is very important. I have seen countless situations where there was no question that a parent provided over half of a child’s support and in every other way qualified to claim them as a dependent, yet the child filed a return claiming themselves thinking they would get a bigger refund this way. Often the child would have gotten a refund of everything withheld from them anyway. This action causes the parent’s return to be rejected when e-filing, and a long process ensues to correct the situation and get the parent their legitimate refund. It is so important for parents and children to communicate with each other regarding taxes before anyone files a return.!

    What Is The Dependency Exemption Worth?How Does The Child Tax Credit Work?

    • In general, if the child is your dependent, and did not have their 17th birthday during the year, you will get a child tax credit of $1,000 for that child in addition to the benefit of the dependency exemption already noted.
    • The child must be a US citizen or resident
    • The credit begins to be phased out if your income is higher that $55,000 , $75,000 ), or $110,000
    • In some cases this credit is refundable, meaning you will receive it even if your tax liability is zero.

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    The Child Tax Credit 2017

    For 2017, the Child Tax Credit is worth up to $1,000 per child. The Child Tax Credit phase out begins at an adjusted gross income of $75,000 for single taxpayers and $110,000 for those married and filing jointly. Claim the Child Tax Credit on either Form 1040, Form 1040-A, or Form 1040-NR. The IRS does not permit you to claim the Child Tax Credit if you use Form 1040-EZ or Form 1040NR-EZ.

    If your Child Tax Credit exceeds the amount of income taxes you owe, you may prove eligible for the Additional Child Tax Credit if you have at least three qualifying children. You must have earned income of at least $3,000 for eligibility. The Child Tax Credit itself is nonrefundable if it reduces the tax bill below zero, but thats not the case with the Additional Child Tax Credit. The amount you didnt use, any amount in excess of $3,000, is refundable. The tax credit is figured by taking 15 percent of a taxpayer’s taxable earned income above $3,000 up to the maximum credit amount of $1,000 per child. Those in income brackets above 15 percent are ineligible for the Additional Child Tax Credit.


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